Anne-Marie Fauré, known as Grelois, is a French activist and feminist who took part in the Sanremo event of 1972.
A few years later, on June 25, 1977, she participated in the first French Pride which took place in Paris between Plaza de la République and Plaza des Fêtes. This demonstration, created to fight against the repression of homosexuality, was organized by the MLF «Mouvement de libération des femmes» [Women’s Liberation Movement] and the GLH «Groupe de libération homosexuelle» [Homosexual Liberation Group].
As Anne-Marie Fauré herself recalls, it was «a very joyful demonstration» during which the participants paraded with posters with slogans such as «Avez-vous choisi d’être hétérosexuels? Vos enfants ne risquent rien, ce n’est pas un maladie contagieuse» [«Have you chosen to be heterosexual? Your children do not risk anything, it is not a contagious disease») and «J’ai pas honte, j’ai peur» («we are not ashamed, we are scared»)